Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Okay I am going through some of my recent past dreams that I can remember. 

I went through a messing breakup a little over a year ago.  Anyway in my dream, the man from that breakup was trying to sue me for not paying rent for the time we lived together.  It was a short dream but really that's the main jist of it.  I remember telling him that if he took me to court I would be countersuing him for all the money I put into his house.

What I could find off the internet for the possible meaning. (via

Accusation or shirking your responsibility. Being sued can mean:
  • You're feeling accused somehow in your real life
  • You're afraid of being accused or blamed
  • You have not fulfilled a responsibility
You've done (or are contemplating) something that will get you in trouble or bring you bad karma. Take inventory of any responsibilities you haven't lived up to or dishonest things you've done and make amends (apologize or take other action to make things right).

I've been feeling like I am the victim of bad karma my whole life.  I don't know what I could have done to bring this on me.  Maybe I was a real bitch in a previous life. 

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