Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Odd dream

So I had a bit of a nightmare last night.  At first the dream started kind of weird and I don’t remember much.  I think I was moving furniture or something in an apartment/house that I currently don’t live in nor have I ever been in.  All I really remember is that one room was fairly cluttered and it had one of those small bistro tables (small round table that only 2 chairs fit). 
The next thing that I remember was that I was driving in the country side during a pretty severe storm.  It was pretty dark outside due to the storm.  The road was really hilly.  When I was driving up one large hill the storm got dramatically worse and by the time I got to the top I completely couldn’t see.  I woke up at that point with a start.  I had scary thoughts in my head and I thought something/someone was in my bedroom…for no good reason.  This was approximately 1.5 hours after I had fallen asleep.  I calmed done and fell back asleep probably 20 min later. 
·         A house, apartment, flat, or any place of residence often represents you or your life, even if the dream residence does not resemble your actual residence. The events in the dream residence may represent events in your life. A house can also represent security, comfort, protection, familiarity, or belonging.
·         Also consider the mood and condition of the house (a dreary house might represent depression or sadness, a house with missing windows might represent personal boundary issues, etc.) and anything that particularly stands out about the house
·         If a house represents your life, then furniture would represent certain details, aspects, or activities in your life. For instance, a bed might represent the sleeping aspect of your life. A kitchen table might represent your relationship with your family, if that's where your family often interacts. See also the specific furniture item.

·         Challenges, rough times, or turbulence in life or in relationships
·         Rage, anger, frustration, or other upset feelings
You as a driver
·         can represent the way you're "running your life" right now, or recently

mountain or slope
·                     Challenge, hurdle, obstacle
·                     Project or task to be done
·                     Overwhelm, intimidation, or dread
·                     The beauty or strength of nature
·                     Endurance or constancy over time

can't see
Not being able to see, or having your vision or view obscured, can mean:
·                     There's something you're feeling unable to understand or see clearly in your life—perhaps a problem you can't see a solution for
·                     You're feeling something is hidden from you, or perhaps that someone is hiding something from you
·                     There's something you don't want to know, see, understand, or take responsibility for

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


A few weeks back when I was having one of my better weeks I remember dreaming distinctively of several blue whales.  It was almost like they where in a canal with very crystal blue water.  There was a bridge that went over the canal right above where they were.  I don't remember think anything strange in my dream...just that the sight was beautiful.  I might have had a thought that is was a little odd seeing whales there.  But I was startled by their appearance.  The crazy thing is that shortly after this dream I saw a news article about this sculpture

It is exactly the same view except the horses were whales.  I love horses and have my own so this switch out in my subconscious has a special meaning to me.  I have no idea if this is at all a prophetic dream but when I saw the sculpture I got goosebumps.

Anyway...what I could dig up on the internet (via

Ancient, grand, wisdom, intuition, or the subconscious. Authentic personal power, integrity, or good will. Dreaming of this animal can represent:
  • Having too much of one of these qualities, or that you could benefit by being less this way
  • Not having enough of one of these qualities, or that you could benefit by being more like this
  • Someone or something in your real life with whom you associate one of these qualities (an event, situation, threat, etc.)
For more clues, pay attention to what the animal was doing or any particular characteristic that stood out.

A passage from one phase to another in your life, or a transition to a new beginning
  • The ability to move above the challenges in your life, escaping difficulties (as in a dream bridge that lets you cross over dangerous waters below)—or taking a shortcut or more direct route
  • A connection from one dream area to the next
  • A transition from or one point in time to another point
  • The connection between one part of your life and another part
  • A connection between you and another person
For clues about the meaning of your dream bridge, consider what is being portrayed on each side of and under the bridge, and what role the bridge is playing.

I haven't been able to makes sense of this one yet.  Suggestions are welcomed.
Okay I am going through some of my recent past dreams that I can remember. 

I went through a messing breakup a little over a year ago.  Anyway in my dream, the man from that breakup was trying to sue me for not paying rent for the time we lived together.  It was a short dream but really that's the main jist of it.  I remember telling him that if he took me to court I would be countersuing him for all the money I put into his house.

What I could find off the internet for the possible meaning. (via

Accusation or shirking your responsibility. Being sued can mean:
  • You're feeling accused somehow in your real life
  • You're afraid of being accused or blamed
  • You have not fulfilled a responsibility
You've done (or are contemplating) something that will get you in trouble or bring you bad karma. Take inventory of any responsibilities you haven't lived up to or dishonest things you've done and make amends (apologize or take other action to make things right).

I've been feeling like I am the victim of bad karma my whole life.  I don't know what I could have done to bring this on me.  Maybe I was a real bitch in a previous life. 

No room for me

The latest dream I had was this morning.  I have been feeling severely dejected by everyone I know and I think the dream doesn't require me to look up it's meaning.  i think it's pretty obvious.

In the dream I was at a house with all my family, extended family included.  It's was a smallish house so everyone was really crowded.  I was having a good time visiting with everyone and everything seems to be nice.  Then it was dinner time, in a split second everyone was sat down with their food plates.  I couldn't find the food or a place to sit.  It was just like I wasn't included in the whole event.  Like they hadn't planned on me and didn't have room or enough food for me.  Then I woke up.

I think this one is pretty self-explanatory


Today has to be one of the worst days of my life.  I have been going through one of the worst depressions I have ever been in.  All the fucked up brain chemistry has been providing me with some awesome dreams though.  I used to keep a dream book when I was younger, because I have always had vivid dreams and sometimes prophetic.  I guess this is my official attempt at it again.